Dr. Amjad Salamat is an experienced Gastroenterologist in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.Amjad Salamat is an experienced Gastroenterologist in Rawalpindi. You can get the complete contact and relevant information of Amjad Salamat. You can get appointment of doctor by a phone call or you can visit Quaid-E-Azam International Hospital, Quaid-E-Azam International Hospital,H-13,Rawalpindi on given address, date and time. At Quaid-E-Azam International Hospital,Quaid-E-Azam International Hospital,H-13,Rawalpindi you will be listen in detail on subject disease subsequently you will be diagnosed with latest Diagnostic tools and in the light of latest researches on the subject disease you will be given medicine. You can get hold of the contact details and consultation timings of Amjad Salamat in Quaid-E-Azam International Hospital.